How much does vaginoplasty cost in India?

 How much does a vaginoplasty cost in India?

More and more females in India are getting open about performing vaginoplasty. The main motive of the surgery is to tighten the loose muscles of the vagina and to give them perfect tightness. It can take up to 4 to 6 weeks for you to get completely healed from the surgery. All the doctors will recommend certain medications, ice packs, and gels to heal your internal parts and to be comfortable while using the washrooms. The healing process also depends on the vaginal laxity of a woman and the existing health condition of her vagina. Her overall surgery cost might be between 40,000 and 50,000. The cost that we stated here is only applicable to India. If you want to go with this vaginal plastic surgery outside your country India then the cost is going to vary slightly to be on a higher note, it can be doubled based on the locality, country, and the experience and skills of the surgeon doctors. 

Vaginoplasty surgery has become very common today. Most of the women are coming forward and open to getting it done. All you need is patience and trust, for the overall success of the surgery. The total time taken to complete the surgery is approximately 35 to 45 minutes. Although the time might vary according to the experience of the doctor as well as the existing health condition of the patient. Generally, the surgery doesn't leave any scars or ill marks on your body and even if there are some scars left, that is going to be very much temporary and that goes within some weeks or days using the medications or gels provided by the doctor. In this article, you are going to get well-versed with the idea of the entire cost produced during the vaginoplasty surgery method. You will also understand what all factors affect vaginoplasty surgery in India and outside the country. 

Cost of Vaginoplasty in India 

The approximate cost of going through vaginal tightening surgery is around 40,000, to 50,000 in total in our country. This cost is subject to be a bit higher or lower based on the city whether it's a Tier-1 city or tier-2 city and is also based on the experience of a doctor. It's better to do your research and speak with the consulting department of the hospital and have direct interaction to know more about your case and accordingly, your surgery price will be decided. Although for one setting the price is going to be around 45,000. 

And the more sitting that your situation might require the price is going to be accordingly set. In most cases, the price of the surgery only involves cosmetic advantages and doesn't cover any sort of medical claim insurance cover. Although you can decide to pay in EMIs and the flexible payment options if you're not willing to pay the entire 50K or 40K at one go. There are tons of factors that might come into the picture while deciding the cost of your surgery. Let us understand all these factors in the below section -

  • Doctors recommended additional lab testing and diagnostic test costing. 

  • The quality of equipment,  method, and procedure used by the doctor for conducting the surgery and accomplishing the task of vaginoplasty. 

  • The total amount of experience, degree & skills that the surgeon holds to date and the number of patients he has treated in his previous years, and the success rate he has in his surgery. 

  • Another factor that plays a major role in vaginoplasty is the existing health condition of the patient. It says a lot about her health & other health-related problems which means whether she is in normal condition or is still undergoing some exceptional kind of illness. 

  • Even the location of the hospital matters a lot in deciding your fees. For example, if the hospital is located in a tier 1 city in a very posh area then obviously the charges are going to be on a bit higher note as they would take off the maintenance charges from you only.

  • All the charges incurred for purchasing the ice packs,  medications, gels, and painkillers will also be included in this & will play a major role in deciding your total fees for surgery. 

  • Cost of Anesthesia 

  • Another factor might be to what extent the repairing is required through surgery I-e, how much loosened it is currently and how much tightening is required 

  • The traveling for surgery, as well as the total number of consultations required & cost incurred in this, will also be taken into consideration 

  • Total room charges incurred for the hospitalization are considered. It will be based on the number of days you stay in the hospital 

  • The cost incurred for the rejuvenation of your vagina will also be included in this 

  • Additional charges might be produced in case your treatment requires some special care or use of the certain utensils or equipment. All charges are based on those taken by them in bringing them up to the hospital for a safe & successful treatment process. 

Key Takeaways 

Vaginoplasty can be a big investment for many of us but you need to be very much sure about the reasons that you want to go ahead with this process. Although in India, there are many experienced doctors to perform a successful vaginoplasty it's not something that's covered under insurance part. You need to pay the entire amount out of your pocket. There are always pros & cons linked to any kind of surgery so it's better to get consulted with your doctor at least once so that you can have a fair idea of all the pros and cons that you might face after the vaginoplasty. You need to be an open-minded person while the surgery is going on. Moreover, you need to listen to the doctor wisely so that you can understand all the guidelines to recover from it as soon as possible.

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