How should people look after women?


How should people look after women?

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Although a woman is said to be weak, fragile and needs to be protected, a woman can protect and look after herself. She doesn't require any man to complete her. She is enough for herself. But however strong a woman might be, she craves love and care. 

Women don't want fake concern and attention; they like to socialize with each other and expect others to do the same with them. 

How to make a woman feel secure?

As we all know woman are not at all safe, especially in India where molestation and rape cases are so prevalent. Every time a girl travels with friends without family or is late at night, their family is always worried about it. A woman traveling alone at night never feels safe, they have to be conscious every time, have to carry pepper spray or something else for their security. It is the society and people's duty and responsibility to make a woman feel secure. To make them feel secure, people must stop every guy staring at a woman. They must ensure that women traveling at night are safe. On an individual level people must tell their sons to behave well with girls and women. 

How should a man treat a woman?

A man should always be supportive to any woman be it his mother, wife, sister or daughter. Women need to be encouraged and appreciated for their work. In most of the families, women have to face restrictions, so it is the duty of other male members of the family to speak for her and let her live her life on her terms. Woman must not be asked to do anything against her will. They expect loyalty and honesty from their partners, so it is their partner's responsibility to keep her trust. Privacy is something which must be given without any question. Women have their own space and boundaries which must be maintained by men. Men should give equal respect to women and should never be a hindrance in any woman's journey.

How can you treat a woman better?

To treat a woman better these are the following things to be done:

  • If someone is being creepy in front of any woman, ask them to behave well. 

  • If in a certain place there are only men present and only one woman, make her comfortable so that she doesn't feel distinct.

  • Don't use feminism just to grab attention of women.

  • Don't touch a woman you don't know if she's not comfortable.

  • Don't call a woman with indifferent names in a professional setting.

  • If a woman says no to a date, don't ask the same question again.

  • Don't respect her for being a woman rather respect her for being a human being.

  • If a woman is drunk or friendly, that doesn't mean she's interested and available for you, it's your responsibility to keep her safe.

  • Make women feel secure around you.

  • Don't comment on her looks, body or the way she speaks, don't let her confidence go down because of you.

  • Don't expect women to always be nice and cute to you, every woman is different and has different personalities and perspectives.

  • Women ask for equality and equal opportunity, so give her her share of credit. 

  • Don't judge her on the basis of her dress.

  • If you are vulnerable, don't make it an excuse to behave badly with a woman.

  • Don't always be ready to help a girl unless she asks for it.

  • Don't get too close to a woman you are not sure about. 

How can women practice self- care?

Women often feel pressured and stressed due to the roles they have to play in everyone's lives. Sometimes being selfish and thinking about yourself is necessary so that your mental health is not affected. Self-love and self-care are important to be happy from within. It makes us feel worthy and we don't feel the need to have someone else in our lives. Not just people but women themselves need to look after themselves. To be healthy women are required to exercise daily, eat healthy but yes if you want junk food you can have it without any restriction. Drink lots of water as it is the best skin care. Do makeup, take selfies, take out time for your hobby, work on your skills, and do whatever makes you happy. 

Taking control of your needs and making yourself a priority might be viewed as selfish, but it is not. If you show care for others, remember to care for yourself as well. You must learn to love yourself. There are many stigmas and stereotypes regarding women and beauty standards, but you don't need to follow them, take a stand for yourself.  Write affirmations to compliment yourself daily. If your friends and family do not empower and uplift you, consider telling them how important it is to feel supported. But if they don't support or encourage you, it doesn't matter, you support yourself and be motivated. 

Make healthy boundaries so that no idiot steps in your space. Don't let anyone affect you mentally or emotionally, you are at your peace. Prioritize yourself over others and don't regret your decisions rather take lessons and experience from everything you do.


Although a woman is said to be weak, fragile and needs to be protected, a woman can protect and look after herself. She doesn't require any man to complete her. She is enough for herself. But however strong a woman might be, she craves love and care. 

Women often feel pressured and stressed due to the roles they have to play in everyone's lives. Sometimes being selfish and thinking about yourself is necessary so that your mental health is not affected. Self love and self care are important to be happy from within. It makes us feel worthy and we don't feel the need to have someone else in our lives. 

Every woman needs to be treated better and people must see to it that they are not disturbing the well being of a woman. A man should always be supportive to any woman be it his mother, wife, sister or daughter. Women need to be encouraged and appreciated for their work. Men should give equal respect to women and should never be a hindrance in any woman's journey.


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