How should women differentiate between natural beauty and artificial beauty?

 How should women differentiate between natural beauty and artificial beauty?

Natural Beauty of women_ichhori.webP

Beauty is the feature of someone or something that makes it pleasurable to perceive. The difficulty in understanding beauty is due to the fact that it has both objective and subjective aspects. It is viewed as a property of things but also as depending on the emotional response of observers. Beauty is said to be "in the eye of the beholder". When the word 'beauty' is heard, the first thing coming in everyone's mind is facial or exterior appearance, but beauty is something beyond face and body. It is in the way people accept themselves and carry themselves. 

What are the beauty expectations of people?

Society has made several beauty norms making young growing women conscious about themselves. Girls from a young age are taught that beauty is important, making them think that all that matters is how they look. The way beauty is present in social media as well makes women think about it. Beauty is different for different places. As some people feel beauty means fair skin, symmetrical face, flawless body, average height, thin waist, etc. People have made this so firm that beauty is skin deep and just the way a person looks. But for some beauty is also the way a person behaves. Beauty comes along with moral values, behavior and thought process as well. 

Is there any comparison between internal and external beauty? 

Although it looks similar, internal and external beauty are two different things like one is an eye and the other is beyond our imagination. We cannot see internal beauty; it could be felt in behavior, words, thoughts and ideals of a person. But external beauty is only limited to the face and body. There's no comparison of internal and external beauty. 

People compare themselves with those whom they see in social media and also to their friends and peers. Young women especially compare their bodies with others and also, they take the comments in social media as an important factor for their beauty. 

Beauty nowadays is only limited to the exterior of a person, but people must realize that beauty is not having a perfect skin or body. It is how a person is as a whole. 

What are the differences between natural beauty and artificial beauty? 

Natural beauty simply means all the features in the body and face given by God. It begins with confidence and acceptance. Acceptance provides inner peace which further increases confidence. Natural beauty is enhanced by makeup. Makeup does not change the symmetry of one's face so when it is applied it just boosts confidence among women. People become self conscious when they think of natural beauty. 

Artificial beauty is achieved by altering your body and face which is achieved by plastic surgery. It is done to improve both a person’s appearance and ability to function. 

A natural beauty is not perfect all the time but it just presents you in a way you actually are, it is all about inner beauty; it's about feeling wonderful for what you are. Whereas artificial beauty is about injections and cosmetic surgeries. These cosmetic surgeries are kind of an art of providing beauty and picture-perfect looks, but it takes away the originality of a person.

What are the changes in perception of beauty? 

The meaning of beauty is changing, nowadays people just want to look good for a longer time and hence going for cosmetic surgeries. It seems like people are under some sort of pressure of looking perfect all the time. Everybody wants to look pretty but going under any kind of surgery is not so easy, these surgeries do have side effects and are very expensive. Also achieving natural beauty is also not easy as it requires daily exercise, self-care, skincare, personal care, etc.

Beautiful Vs Pretty

In this era where people are judged by their outer appearance, the meaning of beauty is not known. People and society have different standards of beauty i.e., having good face-cut, being fair or having big eyes, etc. but all these are just appearance. A person could be pretty with makeup and surgeries but to become beautiful they have to work from within. Outer beauty is just the way a person looks but still people see it as a major criteria to treat a person. There are other things more important than surface beauty which people need to realize. Values, thoughts, belief systems, and confidence shapes the personality of a person which is much more important than beauty. 

Is there any relationship influence to beauty? 

People with a positive relationship be it with parents, friends or partner do not have compared conception of beauty. For them, beauty is a whole person, his/her entire personality and beauty is a trait that is seen through behaviour and words. These people have confidence in them and  have genuine, authentic perception of beauty. They have self assurance and a positive outlook to themselves.

But there are a few growing women who are taught to look upon others for beauty, making them compare themselves with others. They have an ideology that beautiful is the person in social media with more likes and comments. This is a matter of concern among young women that they have a set parameter of beauty presented before them. To obtain that they often starve or overeat as they want to fit in the category placed before them. 

How does self-perception of beauty affect a woman?

All the so-called standards of beauty around, make women compare themselves with others affecting their self- esteem and encourage feelings of self-hate and criticism. This affects their self-confidence and acceptance. 


Beauty is the feature of someone or something that makes it pleasurable to perceive. The difficulty in understanding beauty is due to the fact that it has both objective and subjective aspects. Girls from a young age are taught that beauty is important, making them think that all that matters is how they look. The way beauty is present in social media as well makes women think about it. Beauty is categorized as natural and artificial. The meaning of beauty is changing, nowadays people just want to look good for a longer time and hence going for cosmetic surgeries.

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