Questions To Ask On A First Date

 Questions To Ask On A First Date

The first date is the most important step of any relationship. It decides whether you want to go further with the person or not. First dates can be full of fun and excitement, but they can so be incredibly unnerving and disastrous. If you are new to dating, an introvert or if you are shy to initiate any conversation when meeting someone in person, it becomes hard to ask good relevant questions on a first date. People often end up making fool of themselves or being someone they are not in real. It is also challenging to fill the moments of silence in between the conversations and keep the spark alive till the end of the date. 

The first date should be about testing the waters and asking surface-level questions to know more about one another. Although, being spontaneous is fun but it is good to have a list of questions to go with on a first date. By asking the right questions you can know a lot more about someone than you think. You can notice their body language and behaviour on how they perceive things but make sure that you don’t make them uncomfortable. 

Everyone knows that topics like religion and politics are best to avoid on a first date. So, what kind of questions you should ask the other person to keep the conversations interesting and smooth?

Here are some questions you can go with on your first date to make it memorable and fun for you both:

Warm-up questions

Questions asked in the first few minutes are ice breakers for both. They can ease things a bit and can relieve any anxiety. To make the other person comfortable go with softball questions like:

  1.  Who’s your best or closest friend?

  2. What convinced you to go on this date?

  3. How would you like to spend your weekend? With your partner or go out with some friends?

  4. Some favourite childhood memory?

  5. Which is your dream travel destination?

  6. What is your favourite local spot?

  7. Where do you live?

  8. What are your favourite books to read?

  9. What are the worst books you have read?

  10. Do you have any genre in books? 

  11. Which author do you like most?

  12. Favourite movie or television show?

  13. Favourite cuisine?

  14. Which one is your favourite restaurant in town?

  15. Tell me about the best vacation trip you have ever been to.

  16. Which sport do you like?

  17. What are you looking forward to currently?

  18. What is on your bucket list?

Questions related to Work

No one likes to talk about work on a date but,  you can learn more about the person by their profession. Make sure not to stretch work-related talk. Instead of asking boring work questions try to keep the conversation casual and light, if you don’t want the date to feel like a job interview.

  1. How long have you been in this profession?

  2. Who is your work buddy?

  3. What’s that you love most about your job?

  4. What do you think about the future, professionally?

  5. What made you choose this career path?

  6. Have you ever considered any other career option?

  7. What is your biggest professional accomplishment that you are proud of?

  8. Who is your role professional model?

  9. What is the hardest thing about your job?

Personality questions

When it comes to personality questions, the key is to ask situation based question. This way you can observe how they react in certain scenarios, which will revel more about who they are.

  1. What are you? AN introvert or an extrovert?

  2. Are you an early riser or a night owl?

  3. What is the definition of an ideal weekend for you?

  4. What is your go to way of relaxing?

  5. If you have to describe your personality what will you say?

  6. What you prefer more sitting at home and chatting with old friends or clubbing and going out?

  7. What is you biggest pet peeve, and how do you respond when it happens?

  8. What makes you upset?

  9. How you deal with sadness and anger?

  10. What makes you happy?

  11. What it is about you that you like most?

Family related questions

Well, family questions can be edgy subject depending about the person’s relationships. In any case knowing about someones family can give you a peak into their upbringing and background. It is good to ask that if its okay to talk about family circle before putting up any question. 

  1. Do you have any siblings?

  2. Are you close to your sibling?

  3. Do you live with your parents?

  4. How close are you to your parents or grandparents?

  5. What is the best part of your childhood?

  6. How often do you visit your hometown?

  7. How was your school life?

  8. Are you still friends with your childhood friends?

  9. How would you describe your family to someone new?

  10. What were your college days like?

Questions about passions and hobbies

Hobbies revel their personality and extra curricular. And if your interests align, there is a possibility you can do things together.

  1. How do you like to spend your spare time?

  2. What are your hobbies?

  3. Is there any recent hobby you picked up?

  4. How do you think hobbies aids to keeping you calm?

  5. What is it you are passionate about?

  6. Do you make time for your hobbies and passions?

  7. What is it that brings you peace?

  8. Do you like music?

  9. Are you creative?

  10. If you get to choose between your current job or a chance to turn your passion into your profession what it would be?

Relationship Questions

A brief information about the past relationships can help you to spot red flags in this relationship. You can use the information you gather to determine whether you want a second date or not?

  1. What are you looking for in a relationship?

  2. What you think your ideal partner should look like?

  3. What you love about being in a relationship?

  4. What you think is the best part of dating you?

  5. Can you be emotionally available for you partner when they need?

  6. Who is your relationship adviser?

  7. What is the best love advice you have received?

  8. What is it that you have learned from your past relationships?

  9. What’s your idea of romance?

  10. What is you biggest pet peeve in a relationship?

Future plans

Asking about future plans is necessary to know if both of you are on a same page or not. If not, than it can be a problem in long term. So, its better you go through it now and save you both some time on an incompatible match.

  1. Are you looking for a serious relationship?

  2. Where you want to be in five years?

  3. What is it about future that concerns you most?

  4. What excites you thinking about your future?

  5. Where do you wish to settle down eventually?

  6. What is you ideal style for a home?

  7. What is it you wish to get better at in future?

Sexuality Questions

Sex! Is undoubtedly can be an awkward subject to talk about on a first date. So it depends on how your date is going so far to ask such questions. If you are having a great time and wants to spice up the conversation a little you can consider bringing up the sensual topic. Before asking anything potentially uncomfortable, read the room and get ready to give some answers too.

  1. What is your sexual orientation?

  2. What do you look for in a sexual partner?

  3. What does sex mean for you?

  4. What was your first sexual experience like?

  5. Who is you celebrity crush?

  6. Are you up for casual sex?

  7. Are you comfortable talking about sex with your partner?

  8. What is your greatest turn on?

  9. What are your ideas about sexual exploration for couples?

  10. What is it that you wouldn’t consider doing in bed?

Something about you

It is important to make sure that the conversation is not all about them. Ask questions that have to do with what they think about you. 

  1. What is your first impression of me?

  2. What kind of friend circle do you think I have?

  3. What is it that you have liked most about me so far?

  4. What is your least favourite thing you have learned about me till now?

  5. How would you describe this date experience?

  6. Do you think we can go further?

  7. What stood you out most during this conversation?

  8. What you think makes me different from other girls you have met before?

  9. Do I remind you of some celebrity?

Final thoughts

There are many things to do and many questions to ask on a first date. It totally depends on your personality and personal choices what you want to make out of your first experience with them. Tough there are certain questions that are considered to be avoidable, but again if you think that is relevant for you go ahead with them. 

Don’t be shy and communicate what you are looking for. Be you and enjoy!


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