Our human body is a home to many microorganisms. For these microorganisms the body is a host where they feed and grow. Few microorganisms do not harm the body and physiology with their presence like Escherichia coli; present in the small intestine. If the number of these friendly microorganism increase, they cause disease in the human body. The number increases manifold of microorganism due to favorable condition, availability of nutrients, certain infections caused due to surgery or accident or cuts. Whenever such kind of infection arises, a doctor should be immediately consulted and appropriate medication should be taken so that the infection is under control in the initial stage.

A woman’ body undergoes a lot of changes since puberty. The regular cough, cold and other communicable disease are always there to infect every human in any age group but certain disease like PCOD, PCOS, HIV, Bacterial vaginosis, etc. affect women in reproductive age. Most common kind of disease in women is the Bacterial Vaginosis, which occurs due to the bacterial increase in the vagina. This disease affects women between age group of 15-45 years.  


There are certain circumstances when a woman is vulnerable to have bacterial vaginosis. Here are few reasons discussed –

·         Usage of intimate cleaning agents – certain women experience uneasiness in the intimate area due to use of sanitary pad, tampons or other inter uterine devices. They tend to use cleaning agents like liquid or cream. Any such liquid or even water used to clean the inside of vagina can disturb the natural microorganisms and cause infection leading to Bacterial vaginosis.

·         Multiple partners – having multiple partners for intercourse can increase chance of infection like HIV, AIDS and Bacterial Vaginosis. It is advised to use contraceptive device while having intercourse.

·         Pregnancy – due to the upsurge of hormones during pregnancy, a woman is vulnerable to get infected with bacterial vaginosis as the amount of bacteria is disturbed.

·         Surgery – any kind of cut or insertion of foreign elements like plates, rods, etc., can cause disturbance in the bacterial count and result in infection.


This common disease affects more than 85% women without them knowing. Every one in four pregnant woman have bacterial vaginosis due to rise in the hormone level. Here are few symptoms which can help detect that whether a woman is suffering with bacterial vaginosis or not –

·         Vaginal discharge – a normal woman does have vaginal discharge which is mostly a white fluid like and odorless. When a woman undergoes infection like Bacterial Vaginosis, the vaginal fluid is mostly greyish and watery. There is a foul smell which releases during the infection only. Doctors call the vaginal discharge to be a fishy smell.

·         Vaginal irritation – due to the infection of bacterial vaginosis, there is irritation and itching in the vaginal area. This can be cured by antibiotics and medication prescribed by the doctor.


Women suffering from infection like Bacterial vaginosis should not take it lightly. They should take a quick action against it so it does not harm further. When you visit a doctor regarding this, they usually take a sample of the vaginal discharge to confirm the infection.

It is advised not to deep wash the vagina or spray the area, this can cause difficulty in detecting. Women should book the appointment when they are not in their periods. A test can help diagnose the infection and give proper medication.

The cure includes taking regular antibiotics till the doctor has prescribed. Mostly the patient is all well in seven days of the medication, but if left uncured, they can consult the doctor again. Usually this disease is limited to women only, it does not spread to their male partners while intercourse, but if a woman has a female partner, she has chances of getting infection and so it is suggested that she also undergoes a check and treatment to avoid infection.

If a woman is pregnant and gets bacterial vaginosis, medication is given accordingly, keeping in mind her condition. It is advised to get a treatment of bacterial vaginosis. If a woman gets it, there are complications like early delivery, less weight of the new born infant, etc.

One should avoid intercourse when detected with infection. It can worsen the situation if the medication is interrupted or the infection turns severe. The infection can worsen if intercourse occurs with more than one partner, so it is advisable to avoid such risks which puts the woman’ health in danger.

Every disease has a cure if it is treated at the right time with proper consultation and medicine. Awareness of such disease should be spread via social media, print media, camps, etc. which helps bridging the taboo and distance with mass. The website of ICHHORI is constantly updating and upgrading with time not only spreading awareness about women health but also her rights and stand in a lucid manner.

REFERENCE - Clevel and clinic, women’ health. 

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