What is female cosmetic genital surgery and what should be avoided?

What is female cosmetic genital surgery and what should be avoided? 

Female cosmetic genital surgery is widely popular today & it's been taken up by women all across the world because of the immense benefits it provides. With the help of a Female cosmetic genital surgery, women can free themself from various irritations, pain, and genital-related problems. As a result of Female cosmetic genital surgery, there are huge changes in her vagina shape, tightness & even the overall desire or pleasure of sexual intercourse with her partner. Women can take up Female cosmetic genital surgery due to various reasons. Some of the reasons are childbirth, vaginal tearing, aging, vulvar cancer, urine leakage, etc. 

You are going to be assigned one cosmetic gynecologist surgeon who's going to perform your surgery. He is going to be the one who is going to guide you from the start of the surgery to the end of it. You will be put under anesthesia so that there are no complications or no pain that has to be borne by you. In this article, we are going to learn about all the things that you have to do & take care of before starting a Female cosmetic genital surgery & all those things that you should avoid before the beginning of a Female cosmetic genital surgery.

What is Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery (FCGS): Do’s and Don’ts 

Female cosmetic genital surgery has various dos & don'ts that you need to keep in mind before you take up this surgery. Let's discuss all of them in the below section -

Do's of the Female cosmetic genital surgery 

  • Make sure that the surgeon who is going to treat you has enough experience with a good number of successful cases in the past years. 

  • Reach the hospital at least two hours before the start of the surgery and start preparing all the tools & formalities needed for the surgery.

  • Eat enough food and stay hydrated before the surgery as you have to wait for a few hours to intake any food during the surgery. 

  • Always make sure to discuss your entire profile in detail with a doctor so that there are no repercussions of the surgery, in the end, a result of it. If you have gone through any sort of surgery in any part of your body before then it's mandatory to let your doctor know what it is so that he can treat you with the right surgery according to your case. Every single detail you provide to the doctor should be 100% correct. 

  • Take care of your sleeping schedule. If you are not fond of sleeping on time, then make sure to improve your sleeping habits by sleeping at 11:00 p.m. max to max daily so that you are waking up fresh for the surgery the next day.

  • Be gentle with yourself while urinating or sitting down. Make sure your vagina is comfortable & is not getting affected while doing such acts. 

  • Wear soft panties and other lower clothes. It is so because wearing any harsh cloth like tight jeans, etc. might create a scratch to your vagina. As a result, it might lead to unbearable pain & huge bleeding. So, make sure that you wear comfortable clothes. 

Don'ts of the Female cosmetic genital surgery

  • You are going to get scars after the surgery is done so don't try removing your Scars by using nail paint or any other homemade ingredient as it might worsen your situation. 

  • Avoid the use of alcohol, smoking, or taking drugs before and after the surgery as it might be very much harmful to your body.

  • Avoid indulging in sexual intercourse with your partner for at least 6 weeks, or else you might have to face serious repercussions for it & surgery is going to collapse in that case. 

  • Don't use any ointment, medications, or gels on your vaginal area apart from the ones that have been suggested to you by the doctor. Being a delicate part of your body it might react to unknown medications and that might not be a good thing for you as it might lead to infection, irritation, and unnecessary itching in that field.

  • Do not feel shy or try to hide your private part while the surgery is going on. The doctor or surgeons are usually very professional people. And, you need to maintain the same professionalism. If you can not do that, then please do not take up this surgery.

  • You might experience a lot of swelling in the part after the surgery is done. Do not try homemade products to lessen that swelling. Ask a doctor & he will guide you with the right medications or gels to lower the swelling in your vaginal area. 

  • Do not argue with the doctor at the last moment about the price of the surgery. Make sure that you know about the entire price in advance and also ask about all the alternatives available for you to complete the surgery amount like whether you can go for EMI or not or whether it is covered under the medical insurance or not accordingly decide and make up your mind.

Key Takeaways 

Female cosmetic genital surgery is basically a type of elective surgery. Women need to go through the proper consultation and examination process by the doctor before they can take up this surgery. If there is a labia majora as well as labia minora hypertrophy then women are asked to go ahead with the Female cosmetic genital surgery. Moreover, in cases of structural abnormality in the genitals of patients, she can take this up. There are various dos and don'ts related to Female cosmetic genital surgery so you need to keep in mind to follow both of them so that there is no complication during the surgery as well as after the surgery is completed. A woman might also feel some sort of inconvenience or hardships after the surgery is done. So, in case of unbearable pain or bleeding, she needs to get in touch with the doctor immediately & get herself treated.

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