Everything you need to know about panic disorder

 Everything you need to know about panic disorder

Panic attacks can be extremely terrifying. When panic attacks occur, you can think you're losing control, having a heart attack, or even going to die. A panic attack is a brief period of intense terror accompanied by noticeable bodily symptoms, even though there is no immediate danger or evident cause.

Many people only experience one or two panic attacks throughout their lives, and the issue usually goes away when a stressful circumstance is over. However, if you've experienced frequent, unanticipated panic attacks and have endured protracted periods of continual anxiety about an attack, you may be suffering from a disease known as panic disorder.

Even if panic attacks don't pose a life-threatening threat, they can nonetheless be terrifying and have a substantial impact on your quality of life.

A panic attack causes intense physical reactions and brief, temporary sensations of fear when one is exposed to common, non-threatening situations. During a panic attack, you could sweat a lot, have trouble breathing, and feel like your heart is racing. Some signs resemble a heart attack. Panic disorder may arise if you constantly worry about having another panic attack or change your behavior to avoid one.

An anxiety episode can happen to anyone. Although people of all ages, including children, can experience panic attacks, they often initially happen during the teen or early adult years. Panic disorder occurs in women twice as frequently compared to males.

Causes of panic or anxiety disorder

Experts don't know what causes some people to have panic attacks or panic disorders. Your neurological system and brain have a big impact on how you feel and react to fear and anxiety. Your chance of experiencing a panic attack rises in cases of-

Genetics or Family History; Panic disorders and other anxiety disorders frequently run in families. Experts don't know the cause.

Extreme and prolonged stress; People might develop anxiety disorders when they are in a situation of major stress and fear which runs for a long time. 

Mental ailments; People with anxiety disorders, depression, or other mental illnesses are more likely to experience panic attacks

A few alterations in the way certain parts of the brain function.

Alcoholism and drug addiction; Problems with substance usage might raise the likelihood of panic attacks.

Symptoms of Panic attacks

A panic attack causes you to feel a severe rush of both mental and bodily sensations. It can happen quickly and appear out of the blue. An anxiety attack can be extremely scary and frightening. Panic attacks strike suddenly and without notice. A panic episode cannot be stopped once it starts. Symptoms usually peak 10 minutes after an episode starts. Then they rapidly disappear. Most panic attacks last between five and twenty minutes. Some apparently went on for an hour or more. How frequent your attacks are will depend on how severe your disease is. Attacks can happen regularly for some people while they only happen once or twice a month for others. Although terrifying, panic attacks are not life-threatening. Be mindful that many of these symptoms can also indicate other medical ailments or issues, so you might not always be having a panic attack. Panic attack warning signs include: 

  • Nausea
  • A racing heartbeat
  • Feeling faint and blackout 
  • Sweating
  • Hot flushes
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Trembling
  • Dizziness
  • Chills
  • Shaky limbs
  • A choking sensation
  • A need to go to the toilet
  • Numbness or pins and needles
  • Dry mouth
  • A feeling of fear of dying
  • Ringing in your ears
  • A tingling in your fingers
  • A churning stomach
  • A feeling like you're not attached to your body

There are certain complications that panic attacks may cause when left untreated. It can affect almost all areas of life. Agoraphobia, which is the avoidance of places or circumstances that make you anxious because you worry you won't be able to flee or find treatment if you have a panic attack, may be a symptom of panic disorder in some people. Or you can become too dependent on having other people with you when you leave your house. Some other complications may be-

The emergence of certain phobias, such as a fear of driving or emigrating.

  • Frequent medical attention for illnesses and other issues.
  • Avoiding social interactions.
  • Issues at the office or school.
  • Psychiatric problems include depression and anxiety.
  • Risk of suicide or suicidal thoughts rising.
  • Misuse of alcohol or other drugs.
  • Financial issues.

Ways to prevent Anxiety or Panic Disorder

You can get assistance from your healthcare practitioner in figuring out what causes panic attacks. Through psychotherapy, you can learn coping skills to handle challenging circumstances and halt an attack. Additionally, you can do the actions listed below to reduce your risk of having a panic attack

  • Reduce your caffeine intake.
  • Exercise regularly to reduce tension and stress.
  • Adopt a balanced diet and lifestyle.
  • Stress management.
  • Before using supplements, medicines, or over-the-counter drugs, see your doctor. Anxiety can be exacerbated by several substances. 
  • For anxiousness, read self-help books.
  • Try relaxing hobbies like yoga and pilates, or supplementary therapies like massage and aromatherapy.
  • Discover breathing exercises to reduce symptoms.
  • Smoking, alcohol, and sugary foods and drinks should all be avoided.
  • Panic disorder in children

Teenagers are more likely than younger children to suffer from panic disorder. Children and teenagers may find it particularly difficult to cope with panic episodes. Their development and learning may be hampered by severe panic disorder. Your youngster should visit a doctor if they exhibit the warning signs and symptoms of panic disorder. The doctor will perform a complete physical examination after gathering a full medical history to rule out any physical causes for the symptoms. Your kid might be referred to a specialist for additional evaluation and care. Your child's therapeutic regimen may be suggested by the doctor. To determine the source of your child's panic attacks, it may also be necessary to screen for other anxiety disorders.

How to get diagnosed?

If you've ever had a panic attack before, you might want to get immediate medical help. When having a panic attack for the first time, many people mistake it for a heart attack. Without a doctor's assistance, it may be challenging to distinguish between the symptoms. A medical expert will do several tests while you are at the emergency care to determine whether your symptoms are being caused by a heart attack such as blood testing to omit conditions not listed and an electrocardiogram or ECG to assess heart health.

You'll probably be sent back to your primary care physician if it is determined that you do not require emergency treatment. Your doctor will probably, evaluate any earlier laboratory findings and inquire about your symptoms and conduct a mental health assessment. Panic attacks and panic disorder can be diagnosed by your primary care physician or a mental health professional (such as a psychiatrist or psychologist).

Treatments for Panic Disorders

Treatments and guidance from skilled professionals can help reduce the number of attacks and boost self-confidence and independence. Treatment and help can reduce symptoms and attacks can be less severe.

Talk Therapy or Psychotherapy

For treatment based on cognitive behavioral therapy, you can refer yourself directly to a psychological therapy service (CBT). Your therapist might talk with you about how you respond and what you think about during a panic attack. They can give you advice on how to alter your behavior to keep you from panicking during an attack. While receiving CBT, you might need to visit your doctor frequently so they can monitor your improvement.

Referral to an Expert

Your Practioner could suggest that you see a mental health expert such as a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist if your symptoms do not get better after receiving CBT, medication, and support group involvement. To assist you in controlling your symptoms, the specialist will conduct an evaluation and create a treatment plan.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a class of antidepressants, or tricyclic antidepressants, typically imipramine or clomipramine, may be administered if you and your doctor decide it could be beneficial.

Pregabalin, or clonazepam if your anxiety is severe, are anti-epilepsy medications that are also helpful for managing anxiety.

Antidepressants can take up to 8 weeks to fully kick in, with onset times of 2 to 4 weeks. Even if you believe your medications aren't working, keep taking them and only stop taking them if he instructs you to.

Having a panic attack can be very uncomfortable. Even though they are not physically damaging, they can negatively impact your mental health and prevent you from engaging in the activities you enjoy. Telling your healthcare practitioner that you experience panic attacks is nothing to be ashamed of. Your healthcare professional can assist you in overcoming anxiety and fears that lead to attacks. Treatments like psychotherapy and drugs can help you feel better. The condition of panic disorder is frequently chronic and challenging to cure. If you've had several panic episodes and have a persistent dread that they'll happen again, you might have panic disorder. Statistics reveal that women are more likely than men to experience panic disorder, which frequently manifests in the early 20s. Your risk of panic episodes and panic disorder may rise if you already have an anxiety disorder. Try to be aware of any anxiety symptoms that may appear after a significant life event. If you're troubled by something you went through or were exposed to, think about talking to your family doctor or a mental health specialist. It is possible to manage and treat panic disorder. Seek help, help is available.

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