Culture can be defined as a set of beliefs, customs or ideology of a particular society. The word culture has a wide meaning, it also covers a place’ literature, music, food, etc. Culture changes with passage of time; before India’ independence, traveling overseas was considered a sin. Those who crossed the land were thought to have broken the religion and culture of the society. Now, being 75 years of independence, every 6 out of 10 Indians are migrating in nooks and corners of the world. The culture has changed from orthodox to developing one.

Before several years, culture was limiting the growth of the society due to a set of beliefs and ideologies that preexisted. Whenever mankind has faced hindrance, development has occurred. Culture was never such a hindrance, but it needed amendment so the society could grow. It mostly is like a rule book to show how the things should be done and it gets carried forward from time to time with passing of generation.


As we all know, the Indian society in the ancient time was divided into 4 categories or varna; Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. The Brahmins performed all the pious works of the kingdom and were appointed as Raj purohits. Kshatriya usually looked after the defense and weapons of the kingdom. Vaishya were given the trade portfolio whereas the Shudra’ did all the menial work. The varna or category difference has continued since then, even though we are about to celebrate 75 years of independence, traces of these divisions and other vertical reservations still prevail.

The day an infant is born, according to the gender the future is decided or a notion is set. Culture at many instances becomes a hurdle in achieving gender equality. During the Rig vedic era, women were treated at par with men; they participated in many important events and maintained the position. With foreign invasions in India, their culture got amalgamated and many factors upraised which put the women specifically in derogatory position like female feticide, sati, no widow remarriage, depriving rights to basic education, etc.

Gender is related to culture in a manner that pre decided work for both women and men is set. There are least chances of amendment in it. The strong, powerful and top position work should always be done by men in the society and the caregiver task, doing all the household chores and doing the easier task is kept completely for the women. Now that women empowerment has seen an upsurge and women are handling many top positions in different sectors, the culture has amended with time. Although at distant places in the country, women are still denied rights of decision making, face domestic violence and less autonomy.


When the foundation is established in a manner that tends to limit the growth of women, it is hard to achieve gender equality. The women usually accept the fact they shall never be put at par with men in society, workplace and any sphere of life. Culture is a living entity, it can be upgraded, amended, transferred and imitated from any other country or society. Since westernization has occurred, there has been a wave of awareness and confidence among women. Different women centric laws have been made keeping in mind the deteriorating conditions women had been facing.

Social media, awareness, education, self-help groups, etc. have increased manifold since past few years. This has introduced a whole new culture and need to change the old school of thoughts were patriarchy and chauvinism existed.

CASE STUDY 1 -  It revolves around Arya, a decent, self-motivated and perfectionist at work. She was brought up in a joint family full of care and teachings. Little did she know that the real challenge lies outside her comfort zone. The day had finally arrived where she was shortlisted in the government services and was to serve the nation at her best. She opted for Police service, a job which required all her muscles and nerves to be active at any hour of the day. Arya always dreamed about helping others, uplifting the society and educating the mass. One fine day, on her regular rounds in the nearby village, Arya saw that a bunch of girls were sent back by their head. She was astonished and took immediate action to talk to the head. According to the head's alarming rates of violation on girls and lack of hygiene facilities in the village’ school they were sent back home.

Arya wondered that declining girl’ basic education just because of the violence and hygiene was snatching their fundamental right to life, education. Arya was all set to follow her values like she always did – not to tolerate injustice in any kind. She decided to pass an order that now onwards no girl will be sent home due to such issues. There was a rage between the village and Arya. She was mistaken as a western ideology person and the parents’ only cared about their’ safety even at the cost of their education.

Arya had to fight the taboo. She had to fight it in such a way that it would be a win-win situation for the girls as well as villagers. Not only did Arya convince the villagers about the need for education and self-defense, she also opened a defense institute for all the women in the village as well as compulsory basic education for all, separate toilets and potable water available at every end of the village. Here we saw how a civil servant walked with values and ethics hand in hand. She did not sit quietly watching the injustice, she drove it away with the torch of education.

Here we noticed that the upbringing of a girl saw no boundaries. She could be easily denied her basic rights of education when she was a child, but she studied and cleared the exam to serve the society. She did not stop just by getting the job, she used all her might to drive away the superstitions existing in the village. If the people living in rural areas are given knowledge and awareness of basic rights for women and children, many unwanted factors of society can be curbed from there only.



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