Women's Rights Against Workplace Harassment

Women's Rights Against Workplace Harassment

Women's Rights Against Workplace Harassment_ichhori.webP

The Right Against Workplace Harassment is a fundamental right of every employee in India. The Constitution of India guarantees every person the right to work with dignity and free from harassment. The Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act, 2013, is a landmark legislation that provides protection to women against sexual harassment in the workplace.

The POSH Act defines sexual harassment broadly and includes physical contact and advances, making sexually colored remarks, showing pornography, and any other unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. The Act mandates the establishment of an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at every workplace, which is responsible for receiving complaints of sexual harassment and initiating action to redress such complaints.

The POSH Act places a duty on employers to provide a safe and secure work environment for women employees and take measures to prevent sexual harassment. Employers are required to conduct training programs and awareness campaigns to sensitize employees about workplace harassment and the procedures for filing complaints.

The Right Against Workplace Harassment is an essential right that protects the dignity and integrity of employees, especially women, and ensures a safe and respectful work environment. Employers need to take proactive steps to prevent workplace harassment and establish a culture of zero tolerance toward any form of harassment or discrimination.

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