Describe the women's positions in India during the Vedic times?

 “Describe the women's positions in India during the Vedic times?”

“Describe the women's positions in India during the Vedic times?”_ichhori.webP

The development of Indian civilization and culture was greatly influenced by the Vedic Period. Like all other civilizations, it began as a simple system of a complex society. The Vedic Period was, in general, a very advanced time. Men and women were treated equally. This was brought on by the convoluted system in use at the time. As a result, political rights for both husband and wife were shared in a couple.

Position of women in the Vedic period

Women were so successful in the field of education during the Vedic era that the goddess of knowledge, known as "Saraswati," was imagined to be a female. Along with males, girls were permitted entry into the Gurukuls. Instances of female rishis exist as well, like Ghost, Kakhivati Surya Savitri, Indrani, Shradha Kamayani, Yami Shachi, Poulomi, Urvashi, etc. In the Vedic era, marriage was seen as a social and religious obligation that placed the pair on an equal footing. Dan, or gift, was a common idea during the Vedic era. But no one knew about the dowry system. The wife was a respected member of the family. She was not restricted to the house alone and had freedom of movement.

Their wife played a key role in religious performances. Without the wife, some rites could not even be performed. In the Vedic era, the marriage took the form of monogamy. In the Vedic scriptures, the word “Dampati” was frequently employed. Two joint owners of the household were implied by the phrase. Swayamwars were frequently held by wealthy women to choose their ideal husbands. Even when both parties gave their assent, marriage was still a significant occasion.

In the post-Vedic era, women enjoyed equal privileges. Due to the introduction of a non-Aryan marriage, the status of the woman during the Vedic era most certainly declined. The Vedic ceremonies were unknown to the non-Aryan wives. They were unable to participate alongside their Aryan husbands in several religious rituals. The Aryan spouses also gradually lost a lot of the advantages they had before.

In the end, the daughters were not allowed to attend formal school. The age at which girls might marry was lowered to 8 or 10. Pre-puberty marriages increased as a result, and child-wives with little formal schooling became to be the norm. In the post-Vedic Period, women were expected to pay dowries, and widowhood wasn’t necessarily a horrible thing, but it wasn’t always encouraged to be remarried.

Role and status of women in the early Rig Vedic period

In society, women held powerful positions and were well-respected. Aryans believe that gods only exist in societies that revere women. Religious and domestic rituals were both open to women.

Only educated women were capable of successfully performing Vedic ceremonies, hence unmarried women were expected to attend school. When it came to the Upanayana (educational entrance ritual), women were welcome to take part. Women may legally marry and select their life companions after they turned 16 years old. Additionally, they are allowed to stage or plan their sambar.

Sati vratha was uncommon, and child marriage was unheard of. Despite being a patriarchal society, the early Vedic civilization allowed for adult marriage, marriage at will, and widow remarriage.

Role and status of women in the later Rig Vedic period

In the later Rig Vedic era, women’s status shifted for unknown reasons. According to academics, exposure to more recent civilizations influenced people to confine women based on particular standards. Women’s rights were suppressed during this time as a result of the severe patriarchal culture that developed. These restrictions on women were primarily motivated by religion, and as a result, many of their rights, including the freedom to marry at any time and the right to an education, were removed.

Her legal age for marriage was lowered, and she was viewed as a tool for regeneration. As restrictions were placed on her, her social mobility decreased; she was compelled to work from home and was not allowed to leave the confines of her house.

Remarrying as a widow was prohibited, and widows had to continue living alone. The purdah system spread widely, and there were more children married than ever before.

Educational opportunities for women

In the later Vedic Period, women and men had equal access to educational opportunities. It was considered crucial. This persisted for centuries beyond the Vedic Period, which is thought to have ended around 600 B.C.E., before starting to wane after 200 B.C.E.

Both boys and girls were sent to educational institutions known as Gurukulas during the later Vedic Period when they all participated in the Brahmacharya Ashrama of student life prior to marriage and studied a range of disciplines.

Women were urged to be knowledgeable in philosophy, logic, and Vedic knowledge, as well as to sing Rig Veda slokas, in order to be qualified for Upanayanam.

The poorer classes, who couldn’t afford to travel or live away from home for extended periods of time, were much more likely to use the system of homeschooling for women. Daughters learned to milk cows, cut yarn, knit, and sew, as well as become skilled in the performing and visual arts like dancing, painting, and drawing. As a result, like their brothers, daughters frequently helped their fathers with agricultural work. Women’s practical education was emphasized in texts like the Satapatha Brahmana and the Taittiriya Sanhita.


Although goddesses are mentioned in the Rig Veda, none of them are as significant as the main gods. Worship of female deities has complicated social repercussions. Female worship does not necessarily imply that actual women held positions of authority or privilege, but it does at least indicate that a community was able to imagine the divine as being feminine. The earlier writings also tended to ignore the less fortunate women in favor of highlighting the elite ones.

Nature of society

There is strong historical support for the claim that the Rig Vedic society was patriarchal and patrilineal, and that women had minimal influence over material resources. All societies have male dominance over females, but the level of dominance is where there is disagreement. The status of women was less rigid in the early Vedic period than it was in later Vedic literature. The status of women altered in the later Vedic period along with changes in family and gender dynamics. Women started to be defined by their relationships with men. The wife’s ability to procreate was under the husband’s control, as were the household’s material resources.

Economics and property rights

Vedic women had financial independence. There were some women working as teachers. The place of production was the home. Clothes were made by spinning and weaving at home. Women assisted their husbands with pure agriculture as well. Women’s rights to inherit property were severely constrained. A daughter who is married does not inherit a share of her father’s property, but each spinster is entitled to a quarter of the patrimony acquired by her brothers. Women had control over gifts, property, and other items obtained at the time of marriage, but the patriarch controlled and managed the majority of the family’s assets. A woman’s direct share of her husband’s property was not hers as his wife. A deserted wife, however, was entitled to one-third of her husband’s wealth. A widow was not entitled to any of her husband’s possessions and was expected to live an austere life. It is possible to conclude that despite the social climate not being favorable to women owning property, they were nonetheless protected as daughters and wives.


The claim that women have never enjoyed such a high social status as they did during the Rigvedic Period is hardly exaggerated (1500–1000 BC). Men and women shared the same status. Women enjoyed important positions in the family and were the mistresses of the home.

In the later Vedic Period, women’s status and dignity decreased. In contrast to how the birth of a daughter was perceived as a sign of sadness, the birth of a son was desired. Political gathering participation came to an end. The prevalence of dowry, child marriage, and the sati system began to rise.


Word count – 1345

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