How to control the violence against women?

 “How to control the violence against women?”

Social norms, gender stereotypes, and gender-based discrimination all contribute to violence against women and girls (VAWG). Due to VAWG’s severe impact, efforts have mostly focused on reaction and offering resources to survivors. However, preventing VAWG from occurring in the first place by addressing its structural and underlying causes is the greatest method to put a stop to it.

By educating and engaging with young boys and girls to promote gender equality and respectful interactions, prevention should begin early in life. The “best bet” for preventing and eliminating gender-based violence is working with young people. This period of life, which is frequently disregarded by public policies and interventions, is crucial for the formation of gender equality values and norms.

10 ways to prevent violence against women

It is everyone’s concern to put an end to violence against women. Here are just eleven effective and safe ways you may change the world.

Listen to and believe survivors

A lady takes the first step toward ending the cycle of abuse as she recounts her account of violence. We must all provide her with the secure environment she needs in order to speak up and be heard.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that a victim’s sobriety, clothing, and sexuality are unimportant when talking about situations of sexual violence. The single person responsible for the assault must be the one who committed it. Expose victim-blaming and refute the notion that it is the responsibility of women to stay out of situations that might be deemed “dangerous” by conventional standards.

More than ever, victims of violence are speaking out, and everyone must play a part in ensuring that they receive justice.

Don’t ask “Why didn’t she leave?”

Tell them, “We hear you. We accept you. We are here for you.”

Teach the next generation and learn from them

The younger generation learns by our example how to think about gender, respect, and human rights. Have early discussions on gender roles and question the accepted traits and distinctions between men and women. Identify the stereotypes that kids frequently face in the media, public spaces, and educational settings, and reassure them that it’s acceptable to be unique. Encourage an accepting culture.

Talk to boys and girls about consent, bodily autonomy, and accountability while also paying attention to what they have to say about how they perceive the world. We can create a better future for everyone by arming young campaigners with knowledge and educating them about women’s rights.

Call for responses and services fit for purpose

The services provided to survivors are crucial. This means that even during the coronavirus epidemic, people in need must have access to shelters, hotlines, counseling, and all other forms of support for survivors of gender-based violence.

Join us in urging governments to close funding gaps for violence against women and girls, maintain vital services for victims of violence during this crisis, put prevention measures in place, and invest in data collection to adapt and enhance life-saving services for women and girls.

Understand consent

Consent must always be openly granted and freely given. Make sure there is an active “yes” from everyone involved rather than waiting for a “no” to appear. Adopt a culture of enthusiastic consent and share it with others.

By blaming victims and absolving offenders from their crimes, statements like “she was asking for it” or “boys will be boys” aim to obfuscate the boundaries of sexual consent.

Although those who use these sentences might not fully comprehend what consent is, the definition is unmistakable. There are no unclear boundaries when it comes to consent.

Learn the signs of abuse and how you can help

Abuse comes in many different ways, and each one can have detrimental physical and psychological ramifications. Review these warning signs and discover how to assist a friend who may be experiencing violence or who feels unsafe around others if you have concerns about them.

There is assistance available if you believe someone is abusing you. You are not by yourself. We’ve prepared a list of options from around the world if you’d want to speak with a qualified advocate at a hotline.

Start a conversation

A long-standing violation of human rights is violence against women and girls. Though prevalent, it is not inevitable if we don’t speak up. Use UN Women’s face filter on Instagram to spread the message and inspire your neighbourhood to do the same.

To start your own discussion about gender-based violence, use the hashtags #orangetheworld, #16Days, and #GenerationEquality. You can also share some of the material from our social media package.

Stand against rape culture

Rape culture, which is supported by enduring gender disparities and attitudes toward gender and sexuality, is the societal context that permits sexual assault to be normalised and justified. The first step in destroying rape culture is giving it a name.

Every day we have the chance to assess our actions and convictions for prejudices that support the continuation of the rape culture. Consider your personal biases and assumptions as well as how you define masculinity and femininity.

We can all take action to oppose rape culture, starting with the views we hold about gender identities and the policies we support in our communities.

Fund women’s organizations

Donate to local groups that support survivors, empower women, raise awareness of their issues, and encourage acceptance of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

To put an end to violence against women, support survivors, and ensure equal rights for women and girls worldwide, UN Women collaborates with women’s organisations around the world.

Hold each other accountable

Sexual harassment in the workplace and in public places is one of the numerous ways that violence can manifest. Call it out when you hear or witness it: sexist jokes, improper sexual comments, and catcalling are never acceptable.

By encouraging your peers to consider their own behavior, speaking up when someone crosses the line, or asking for help if you don’t feel safe, you can make the environment safer for everyone.

Always be sure to pay attention to survivors and provide them with the assistance they require.

Know the data and demand more of it

We need to comprehend the problem in order to properly prevent gender-based violence.

Implementing successful preventative strategies and offering survivors the necessary support depend on the collection of pertinent data.

The gender sensitive data collecting deficiencies are more obvious than ever as gender-based violence has increased during COVID-19.


Talking to your children about respectful relationships is never too early. Your child will learn to establish and sustain respectful connections throughout their life with the support of early dialogues and role modelling. Additionally, honest, early interactions convey to your child that they can communicate to you about their relationships and emotions.

Due to legal loopholes, misogyny is rampant in digital spaces, where women and girls are frequently the targets of cyber-flashing, revenge porn, and other forms of cyber-gender-based violence. Women must be protected by the law, and systems for content moderation must be in place. Everyone must take part in any effective campaign to eradicate violence against women. Governments, leaders, and those who use violence or implicitly support it are all included in this. Women’s violence cannot be eradicated by ourselves.


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