Is Homestay safe for female travellers?

 Is Homestay safe for female travellers?

Is homestay safe for female travellers_ichhori.webP

Are you familiar with the concept of homestays?

It's a great approach to experience a location or culture on a deeper level by living like a local.

Because you'll be staying with a family and, in the best homestays, you'll be invited to participate in their daily activities; it's also great for solitary female travellers.

Hold on a second. 

How well-liked do they currently stand?

But what about all the safety concerns we've heard about? 

Is it good for a woman to use one of these services if she's travelling alone?

If you're interested in trying homestays or hospitality exchanges but aren't sure where to start or what to look out for, this article will help you peel back some of the layers of complexity.

There is a local hostess (or host) eager to welcome you everywhere you go, whether you're going trekking in Iceland, climbing Kili, or kayaking in the Philippines.

Not everyone would enjoy it, but if you do, you'll feel immersed in the local culture and can finally name yourself one.

Let's understand the term Homestay 

"Staying in a person's house can save you money... This is the equivalent of occupying a spare room in someone's residence while that person is present.

To begin, homestays might either be free or compensated.

While most homestays require payment, they are often more affordable than hotels or even bed and breakfasts. In other cases, such as with Couchsurfing and other forms of reciprocal hospitality, they are provided at no cost.

Homestay is a catch-all term for a wide variety of lodging options, the common thread among which is a focus on hospitality. Your host may offer you a place to sleep, but they may also provide you with other forms of hospitality, such as a meal or insider knowledge of the area you're visiting.

Most people are similar to you in that they enjoy exploring new places. After experiencing the generosity of strangers firsthand during their travels and longing for a community of like-minded people with whom to share their joy on the road, several travellers created homestay or hospitality exchange sites. In fact, many hosts aren't motivated by financial gain but rather by chance to broaden their horizons and learn about various cultures.

Homestays and hospitality exchanges: the basics

The basic idea is to stay with a native who still resides in the area by renting a room or borrowing a couch. The homestay ceases to be a homestay and becomes a commercial rental if no guests are staying there.

Then, for a few days, you live as they do. You find out everything there is to know about them, and they do the same about you. Some ladies will be totally into it, while others will run away in terror. Also, communication difficulties may arise due to language differences.

Some are purely transactional, requiring only a web browser, the desired lodging, and a few clicks to confirm a reservation. Homestays are typically found by joining a network, creating a profile, and browsing for suitable hosts.

Thanks to the reviews that accompany the vast majority of them, you can get a sense of what you're getting into, but it's important to keep in mind that these reviews shouldn't be used as proof but rather as suggestions.


They facilitate communication with locals, allowing you to get a deeper understanding of daily life in the area.

Great eateries and lesser-known attractions are just a few off-the-beaten-path destinations you'll be shown. It's like getting a sneak peek at a location not featured in any tourist literature.

A chance to talk to people you wouldn't ordinarily interact with and hear their perspectives.

You can get acquainted with the culture by engaging in language study, culinary education, and social immersion.

The opportunity to experience towns and regions you wouldn't normally get to see, as most regular people don't live in tourist hotspots.

Spending a few days in someone's shoes allows you to see how people live in a city, which is, in my opinion, much more authentic than visiting tourist attractions (although I like that too). One of the best parts of travelling is learning about other cultures and ways of life. You'll learn more about your location if you take part in exploring it rather than just looking at it from the outside.

It will help you save money. These options are typically low-cost or even free.

And the money you do spend stays in the community to help businesses.


You can locate a hotel on every block, but finding someone to host you will be difficult.

Safety becomes an issue when staying in a shared space where people you haven't met before also have access to the facilities. You won't have much leeway for restitution in case of problems with your hosts.

There will be less privacy with a host family than in a hotel, and the level of familiarity may be more than what you're used to. If this is your first homestay experience, you may want to keep it short (one or two nights) to determine if you enjoy it. And if the prospect of sharing a restroom is too much to bear, too...

You may not have the same level of independence as you would if you were staying in a hotel since you may be expected to assist out around the house, keep your room clean, help with cooking, or adhere to particular restrictions. Or any combination thereof

You could find unexplored, off-the-beaten-path gems, but there's a chance you'll be removed from the region's top attractions, too.

If your host must cancel at the last minute, you will not have the same level of protection as you would with a hotel reservation.

Unless you have other plans, you are at the mercy of your host or hostess if you don't get along with them.

Some suggestions may help make your trip more secure, more manageable, and less stressful.

Seek the wisdom of those who have gone before you.

Seek for testimonies from individuals who have gone before you if you are a first-time solo traveller or if you are on the fence about whether to undertake it alone. Blogs written by women who have travelled extensively or only by themselves, such as The Blonde Abroad, Adventurous Kate, and World of Wanderlust, are invaluable tools for anyone planning to travel alone.

Plan your trip ahead of time.

Feeling like a freak in a crowd is a major source of anxiety while travelling solo. You probably will; meeting new people is an integral aspect of travelling. However, it's crucial to be sensitive to cultural norms regarding how women are treated and the values held by the people in the nation you visit. If you are prepared for the differences you may face, you will feel less out of place. You should research the local climate, topography, transportation options, and the norms and expectations of the people there. Getting a solid guidebook for the area you're visiting and reading up on the experiences of other single travellers are also great places to begin.

Get someone you care about to keep tabs on your whereabouts by having them track your flight or train schedule.

This piece of advice is useful for more than one reason. It's a good idea to do this before leaving on vacation so you can identify potential problems and get a feel for the itinerary. The second benefit is that if you get into difficulties while away, your friends and family back home will already know where you are and be able to help.

Carry a portable phone charger, just in case.

Everyone complains about their phone's battery life, and although it's annoying when it dies during a night out at home, it can be downright terrifying when you're in a foreign country.

It would be unwise to let yourself get caught without your phone, as it will most likely have your hotel address, directions, and the ability to call for a taxi and, in certain situations, pay for products.

Documents you need to travel should be photographed.

Get photos of everything you'll need for your vacation, from your hotel confirmation and train tickets to your passport and plane tickets, so that you may leave the original home without sacrificing convenience. Even if you misplace them, you will still have access to the data they contain.

Learn some words and phrases in the native language.

Seeing familiar words may make us feel much more at ease when travelling. This may sound like a cliche, but it's true. Learning a new language for every nation you visit is difficult, but having a phrasebook or translation app on your phone can help greatly.

Don't lose track of your money.

This is a no-brainer piece of advice, but a few variations on the theme can help you avoid getting stranded. Set up online banking and if your bank offers a mobile app, download it on your phone to easily access your account information.

Before leaving the country, check to see if your bank or credit card may be used there, and if you have both a credit card and a debit card, make sure to keep them separate. You can use this backup card to get cash if you end up losing your primary wallet.

In closing

For those who have never ventured abroad alone, it is recommended that they ease into the experience by taking a short trip nearby or over the course of a weekend. Instead of diving headfirst into travel, work on building your confidence first, and if it helps, consider staying with a female host or in a women-only dorm. And remember that even if the worst should happen, things usually work out in the end.

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