Life style diseases in women

   Lifestyle diseases in women

Lifestyle diseases in women_ichhori.webP

A woman is known to be multifaceted and plays some vital roles in our society. There's always a fight against time for a working woman. It becomes seemingly difficult for her to take care of a work-life balance, resulting in very less or no time to think about herself. This in turn leads to added ignorance about her health. to not forget this, has implications for her family and workplace. Lifestyle diseases are often defined as diseases linked with one's lifestyle. These diseases are non-communicable diseases. They're caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol, substance use disorders, and smoking tobacco, which may lead to heart disease, stroke, obesity, type II diabetes, and carcinoma. The diseases that appear to extend in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer include Alzheimer's disease, and arthritis.

Types of diseases

  •  Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • Hyperlipidemia

  • Hypertension

  • Cancers


  • Causes of lifestyle disorders

  • Unhealthy food

  • Overeating

  • Processed food

  • Poor sleep

  • Energy drinks

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol

  • Sedentary living

  • Diet and modern lifestyle

  • No physical activities

How to prevent such diseases

Avoid obesity and junk foods

Why are more and more people getting obese and overweight each day? just because it is easy to become fat these days. If you're hungry, just order a pizza and get through your time being a couch potato, cooling your heels, your attention focused on the television receiver, instead of the food, so rather than having a slice of that unhealthy pizza you manage to polish off an entire one. 

Body exercise and sweating

The tell-tale signs of sweating are there for everyone to see. Though sweating is taken into account normally and is the body’s mechanism to cool your body down, the body’s response to the environment varies depending upon the health condition of the person. It's considered to be a part of modern lifestyle diseases. When the temperature of your body varies, sometimes due to the high external temperatures, vigorous exercise, or hormonal imbalances, it activates the 2 to five million sweat glands that are distributed under your skin. These glands are opened up all across the body, but they're primarily concentrated on the soles of the feet and palms of the hand. an excessive amount of food and a sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity, and overweight people sweat more profusely than regular-weighing individuals because fat acts as an insulator that raises the core temperature.

Good sleep

As women age, physical and hormonal changes make sleep lighter and fewer sounds. Sleep disturbances become more common during menopause. Women awaken more often at night and are more tired during the day. Work and lifestyle also can contribute to primary sleep disorders. Women who work rotating and night shifts are likely to experience sleep problems. Inactivity and lack of exercise can cause trouble falling asleep. Women with erratic schedules or altered weekend sleep patterns are more likely to possess trouble resetting their body clock to normal. the primary to give yourself a comfortable sleeping space. The bed is comfortable, and the bedroom is best to hold the shade effect of good curtains. While the doors and windows are sealed, work well, saving the noise outside to your rest. Second, the winter weather is extremely dry, we should always put a humidifier or a glass of water in the bedroom. Third, the central nervous excitement of medicine, coffee, tea, and chocolate, shouldn't be chosen before going to bed. Some people think that drinking wine can help sleep, but it's not true, many of us drink after waking up, feeling weak, and the top is also faint, it's alcohol to reduce the quality of sleep. To sleep well, it's necessary to develop good regular sleep.


Nowadays we are so into packaged foods that we are consuming less and less fiber, as a result of which we suffer from constipation. Constipation can make us feel sluggish and creates a serious dent in our appetite. Eating more whole grains filled with fiber like amaranth, rice, quinoa, flax seeds, and chia seeds may be a good way of fixing the problem.


Anxiety is usually caused by a combination of biological and environmental factors. Generally, genetics, hormonal changes, and stress can explain why some women develop anxiety. Like men, women who have a case history of anxiety or those who experience trauma or other stressful events are more likely to develop anxiety. Women are particularly susceptible to experiencing anxiety during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause because these events involve significant hormonal changes. Meditation and self-care is the simplest remedy for anxiety. Turn your ears toward music.

Drink water

Yes, drinking a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water can help you with digestion problems and help your body get rid of toxins. Also combined with fiber, water can cure constipation. It also prevents headaches. So drink it up! Some lifestyle changes can help you keep away from a myriad of lifestyle disorders. Investing a few hours of my time every day can calm you down, be it through meditation, taking notes of music, or talking to a loved one. It also pays if you remain gadget free for some hours before you sleep. Invest in yourself, as you've got only one life to live, might as well live it well.

Increase the immune system 

To have a disease-free healthy life, you would like a strong immune system. There are some immune-boosting foods. The prime focus of those immune-boosting foods is to amplify the fighter cells so that they can fight against colds, flu, and other infections. A few changes in diet can largely help your system to get a boost and increase its ability to combat viruses and bacteria. There may be a list of 8 foods that build your immunity. Apples, avocados, tea, garlic, lentils, and food are associated with increased red blood corpuscles.

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