Who gave women's rights in India?

 Who gave women's rights in India?

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The struggle for women's rights in India has been a long and arduous one. Over the course of India's history, women have been subjected to various forms of discrimination and oppression, including restrictions on their education, employment, and political participation. However, there have been many individuals and movements that have worked tirelessly to secure women's rights in India. In this essay, we will explore some of the key figures and events that have contributed to the advancement of women's rights in India.

The first major figure in the struggle for women's rights in India was Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Roy was a social reformer and a key figure in the Indian Renaissance movement of the early 19th century. He advocated for the education of women, and was one of the first people to argue that women should have the right to choose their own husbands. He also opposed the practice of Sati, in which widows were forced to immolate themselves on their husband's funeral pyre. Through his writings and activism, Roy helped to establish the foundation for the women's rights movement in India.

Another important figure in the early women's rights movement was Pandita Ramabai. Ramabai was a social worker and feminist who fought for the rights of widows and orphans. She established a shelter for widows in Pune, and also founded the Arya Mahila Samaj, an organization dedicated to the education and empowerment of women. Ramabai was also an advocate for the abolition of child marriage, and worked to improve the status of women in Indian society through her writings and speeches.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the emergence of a number of women's organizations in India. One of the most important of these was the Women's Indian Association (WIA), which was founded in 1917 by Annie Besant. The WIA was a secular organization that focused on a wide range of issues affecting women, including education, health, and employment. It also played an important role in the Indian independence movement, with many of its members taking an active part in the struggle for independence from British rule.

The Indian National Congress,. which was founded in 1885, also played an important role in the women's rights movement. Many women leaders, such as Sarojini Naidu and Kamala Nehru, were active members of the Congress and fought for women's rights within the organization. The Congress also passed a number of resolutions supporting women's rights, including the right to vote and the right to hold public office.

The struggle for women's rights gained momentum in the years following independence in 1947. The Indian Constitution, which was adopted in 1950, guaranteed equal rights for women and men. However, despite the constitutional guarantees, women continued to face discrimination and violence in many areas of Indian society. One of the most notable achievements of the women's rights movement in post-independence India was the passage of the Dowry Prohibition Act in 1961. The act made the practice of dowry, in which a bride's family is expected to give large sums of money and gifts to the groom's family, illegal.

The 1970s and 1980s saw the emergence of a new wave of feminism in India. Feminist activists such as Shulamith Firestone, Simone de Beauvoir and Germaine Greer, influenced Indian feminists. One of the key issues of this movement was violence against women, including sexual harassment and domestic violence. Activists pushed for changes to the legal system to better protect women, as well as for increased social awareness and education around these issues. The 1980s also saw the formation of several new women's organizations, such as the National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) and the All India Democratic

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