GEN Z: Redefining #womanhood and embracing a modern lifestyle.

What is Gen Z? Who are the Gen Z women? With modernization, people evolve. Gen Z, or Generation Z, are those people born between 1997 and 2012. So how are they different? Over the years, we have seen a sudden change in women's attitudes towards lifestyle, their own individuality, and the strong urge to voice their opinion. 

With the advancements in modern technology and the ever-shifting cultural norms, Gen Z women have redefined womanhood and shaped their lifestyle according to their perspective. 

Redefining womanhood:

  1. Identity and self-expression: 

These women value a unique sense of self-expression; they are vocal, demand equality, or, as one can say, stand for their ground towards feminism. They embrace gender fluidity and are not scared to express themselves in any way. They value inclusivity and authenticity, rejecting stereotypes and traditional gender norms. 

Self-expression is in the way one dresses or converses, and that is her choice, and no one can tell her what to do because she is an individual who can stand her guard. 

  1. Empowerment and Activism:

Generation Z women are not scared to establish rallies against gender inequality and discrimination and the rights of women belonging to the LGBTQ+ community. This can be seen worldwide in today's generation, where rallies or protests are organized by just one social media post. Hundreds of women come together to fight for just one woman’s rights. Women standing for women is what they go by.  

  1. Career-oriented and ambitious:

Being independent has to be one of the major life goals. They desire to establish themselves as confident and independent women who can fend for themselves and their families.  Many of them even start their own ventures as small businesses over social media; one can now see a teenage girl of 18 or 19 years of age having her own small business and earning her own money. Social branding over social media is one of the pillars Gen Z women take upon for personal grooming. 

We see so many successful women on top, and to be one of them is what they desire the most. The constant urge to continuously do something and build oneself as we aspire to achieve so much. They place a high priority on professional development and career advancement, frequently looking for positions that fit with their values and hobbies. We have seen young girls move out of their house at a young age to pursue their dreams and make a career out of it. Many such girls even move to big cities to fulfill their dreams on their own. 

Many successful only-women organizations are being set up, such as Girlup India, which stands for young girls rights and equality in terms of education and helps develop leadership capabilities. 

  1. Fighting stereotypes:

In many parts of our country, young girls are still married off as soon as they graduate from school or college, and this is not a case only in the rural parts of the world. But even now, many educated families with strong cultural beliefs still marry off their daughters because “they are of that age.” What about her dreams? What if she wanted to continue studying? What if she wanted to make something out of herself? 

“You are a girl; do not go around running.”

 “You are a woman; behave like one.” 

These particular two lines have stuck around young girls and women for so long, restricting themselves from being their true selves and even dreaming further in their lives. 

“What would society think?” 

Probably one of the most hated lines of this generation. Do we really need to consider what society would think of a woman who pursues her dreams? Gen-Z women would really like to defer and voice strong opinions. They definitely do not even have the time to care. But does that mean their regard for society and their culture has lessened? No!.

They embrace their culture with respect and have high regard for what their elders have to say, but with the changing world, they cannot wait for everyone to understand their stance. So they take it upon themselves to first make their families understand that whatever they are doing is for themselves and their happiness. 

Embracing a modern lifestyle:

  1. Health and wellness:

One can see an increasing number of young women interested in many wellness activities, be it yoga, callisthenics, gym workouts, or even pilates. Gen Z women are actually very cautious about their health in the present scenario. With a well-balanced diet and eating habits, they tend to incorporate  mindfulness and meditation into their daily workout routines. Many start this practice as a way to lose weight, but stay for a long time with a healthy mindset and body. Moving your body on a daily basis keeps your mind fresh and active. 

Body positivity is also one of the major movements implemented by this generation towards loving themselves in their own bodies, no matter the size and shape of them. Body inclusivity helps people accept themselves and feel their best in their bodies. 

  1. Mental Health 

Mental well-being is important, and our women understand that now, with many mental health campaigns being started by psychologists. 

Gen Z women are at that age where they are constantly pressured to perform at their best due to the immense competition arising for the best of the best. Many face mental health issues where they are unable to express this stressful environment with their peers and undergo depression. With an advanced lifestyle, constant stress from work, and an unhappy relationship with one's partner, many people go through mental health issues. Despite increased knowledge and transparency around mental health, Gen Z women experience high levels of stress and anxiety.  They actively seek mental health support and resources but also contend with the pressures of constant connectivity and social media influence, which can contribute to mental health challenges including comparison and cyberbullying. 

  1. Pop culture and media:

Popular culture and the media have a big impact on how Generation Z women identify, value, and live their lives. The impact of media content on Generation Z is reciprocal; it not only mirrors their views and goals but also molds their ideas of success, femininity, and beauty. For Gen Z women, seeing varied and genuine images of women in the media is important. People anticipate seeing a diverse spectrum of gender identities, body types, and skin tones in TV series, films, music videos, and ads. Gen Z wants information that defies the restrictive stereotypes of women that are frequently propagated by traditional media. They encourage and produce media that shows women as complex, flawed, ambitious, and vulnerable characters. 

Gen Z women are able to shape mainstream media and curate their own stories using platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Large followings have been built by influencers and content creators from a variety of backgrounds who promote body positivity and challenge conventional notions of beauty.

Women of Generation Z are rewriting the rules on what it means to be an evolving, inclusive, and powerful woman. They successfully negotiate their identities and lifestyles by fusing traditional values with modern opinions, leaving a lasting impression on a variety of domains. Their focus on overall well-being, dedication to social justice, and embrace of technology characterize a generation that is not only redefining womanhood but also paving the path for a healthier and more welcoming future.

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